Church Blog (Page 16)

What to Do in the Interim

With the departure of the Albers family, there is a hole left in the work of Graeber Road. While we pray for Troy, Amy, and Remi in their new home in Sunray, we also need to be praying for the work and the next associate preacher of Graeber Road. Consider that we are now in an interim time period. Interim means temporary/provisional. How long that may be is not known, however, what we can do in this interim is absolutely…

Philippines Mission Letter: April 2021

Click/tap for full PDF  Dear Brethren,  Last month our young people were able to enjoy a whole day youth fellowship. We invited some of the youth from our neighboring congregation and our young people also brought some of their friends and relatives to join and participate in the said event. We had two speakers who spoke on the subject of social media. The youth had really enjoyed the fellowship and all the activities. They grouped themselves into three and each…

Is There a God?

How one will answer this question WILL mold and shape their view of life, for the rest of their life and usher them into eternity. If God does not exist, then our lives will cease to have meaning outside of ourselves and there will be no absolute standard of right or wrong for us. On the other hand, if one comes to know that there is a God, then determining His will and His revelation He has made becomes an…

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is not like physical growth. We know that a child does not have to plan how to grow or work at growing. No parent is ever asked, “What is your secret for making your child need longer jeans and bigger shoes?” While physical growth is a natural process, spiritual growth is not. The writer of Hebrews chided those who first read the letter, in chapter 5, by telling them they should have grown enough to be teachers, yet…

When the World Ends

Your gadgets will be worthless. “In a moment,” the Bible says, “in the twinkling of an eye” the end will come. There will not be time to call friends or loved ones. There will not be time to send one final email to say goodbye or “prepare to meet thy God.” Our cell phones, our laptops, and our gadgets which now seem so powerful and time-consuming will all be rendered useless with the coming power of an omnipotent God! For…

Philippines Mission Letter: March 2021

Click/tap for full PDF  Dear Brethren,  The Lord continues to bless and guide us in carrying out the great commission. We appreciate so much the continued help and willingness of our brethren to go with us to evangelize those that they have been able to schedule for a Bible study. They even accompany us in our follow up lessons with the new converts. Both the adults and young people in our congregation are giving us prospects to teach the Lord’s…


The dictionary defines the word “mistake” this way: “a misunderstanding of the meaning or implication of something; a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment or inadequate knowledge.” Most of us would admit that we know plenty about mistakes, without having to consult a dictionary, because of personal experience. We know that mistakes can be of various kinds. Ever call someone by the wrong name? Ever make a mistake in your checkbook? Ever pick up something you thought wasn’t…

A Slip of the Tongue & A Clued-In Seven-Year-Old

“Daddy, you said a bad word when you were preaching,” he whispered to me. Immediately, I stopped what I was doing and turned to face him to give my full attention. “What did I say, son?” He turned away from me and said, “you said the word, ‘gee’.” It is true that sometimes I’m given to filler words that creep unaware into my speech. I have no excuse for saying it and I certainly didn’t try to justify it to…

Let the Cause of Christ be First

I wish I could share effectively all of the positive feedback that I have heard from members based on the evangelism workshop we had last weekend. Very little of it had to do with Rob and Nicole, and the majority of it had to do with members who have had their eyes open to the fact that they have a part to play in the growth of the church (Acts 8:4). The excitement is palpable and we will say and…

An Essential Purchase

Reflections on Proverbs 23:23: Buy the truth, and do not sell it, Also wisdom and instruction and understanding. I have the choice to buy the truth. Buying and selling is as natural as breathing in the consumer-driven culture of America 2021. Advertisements and appeals bombard the average American from all over with one message: “buy this to be happy!” Solomon says in Proverbs and throughout Ecclesiastes, “Buy the truth,” and accessorize it with “wisdom, instruction, and understanding” in order to…

Philippines Mission Letter: February 2021

Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren,  We continue to implore God in a humble prayer to keep you and your loved ones in your well-being and to bless you and all that you do for His glory.  The Lord continues to bless us with opportunities to share the saving power of the Gospel with those who are diligently seeking Him in their lives and His gift of salvation. With the help and participation of the brethren in reaching out to…

Psalm 103

Psalm 103, attributed to David, is a wonderful psalm of thanksgiving. It would help us greatly if we read it frequently and remembered its lessons constantly. We immediately notice that expression “Bless the Lord,” repeated five times within the twenty-two verses. We are not really surprised to see these words come from David, a man who was full of praise for His God. But, we need to see more from the psalm. We see a choice. David tells himself to…