Posts from January 2025

Go Forward: Be Strong and of Good Courage

Last Sunday our Elders challenged us with the Plan of Work for 2025! I want to urge you to be prayerful that God will use each of us effectively for His glory in the year ahead! May we all experience growth in our personal relationship with God, in our one another relationship with each member of our church family, and in the development of our talents in service to God. Someone once said, “Every journey begins with a single step.”…

To the Work, To the Work…

“To the work, to the work, we are servants of God. Let us follow the path that our Master has trod…” Today is an exciting day for our Graeber Road Family as our Elders will be introducing our Plan of Work for 2025! Know that our Elders and Deacons have put much thought and prayer into this! Also, know that it was your faith and financial commitment that has made it possible for this plan of work to unfold! The…

In the Year of our Lord 2025

In Isaiah 6, the prophet is shown the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, with the train of His robe [His majesty] filling the temple. Isaiah is immediately overwhelmed by a sense of his sinfulness in the presence of the Lord’s holiness. As he fears for his life, a seraphim flew to him with a live coal, touched his mouth and said, “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.”…