A place for you.

Great news! Our Sunday worship times are worship at 10am and 6pm. We have a Wednesday Bible Class for all ages at 7:00pm.

We would love to have you visit with us!

For more information, call 281-341-7776 or email graeber.rd@gmail.com.


Bible Classes for All Ages

Every Wednesday night has been set aside for mid-week Bible study and a devotional for the whole church and guests. You can expect the following schedule: Bible classes are available for all ages. This time is used to study God’s Word, and to encourage each other in our daily walk with God. Note: See our Bible Class information for available classes and subjects (40 minutes). As a group, we then meet in the auditorium for a devotional, which consists of…

I’m New Here

We welcome you to visit this Sunday…

Church Blog

“Everything that He had made… was very good.” – Genesis 1:31

We are thankful to be back home with you today, but also very appreciative of the time to be away. This trip was a combination of some final details related to my mother’s death, the chance to be spiritually fed and renewed at Harding’s Lectureship, and the chance to spend a few days catching our breath and recharging emotionally and physically after quite the world-wind of life-events over the last few months. We were blessed to be able to be…

An Important Question

We cannot be certain who wrote Psalm 116. It would be easy enough to attribute it to David. But, we can be certain that whoever wrote the psalm asked himself a very important question. Here it is: “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?” (Ps. 116:12) The writer, like the rest of us, had the ability to look at his life and appreciate what he knew had been given to him. Unlike some, who…


I once asked a group of teenagers to describe “new” for me – give a mental description. One student’s reply: “New is like a beach with clean, white sand. No one is there – no footprints, no trash – the only marks that will be visible are the ones you now make.” What a beautiful thought – what a beautiful scene – what a beautiful opportunity! What’s more – this is exactly the opportunity God has placed before each one…

Choosing My Altar

We usually get pretty indignant when we realize that someone has “used us,” don’t we? Read the following verse two or three times and spend some time thinking about what Paul is saying to the Christians at Philippi. “But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you.” Philippians 2:17 He is saying, “In order for your sacrifice to be…