Posts by Graeber Road Church of Christ (Page 10)

Philippines Mission Letter: Typhoon Update

Dear Brethren, The typhoon “Maring” that passed through our country had brought a lot of rain. Due to heavy and continuous rains for two days in our town, many barangays have been covered with water. Our own area is submerged in knee-deep floodwaters. In other locations, where most of our brethren are, the floodwaters rise up from 5 feet to 7 feet high. We are hoping and praying that this flooding will subside tomorrow and that we will already have…

Rudders, Reigns, & Raging Fires

James 3 is the “classic” passage when anyone wants to discuss how Christians ought to speak. In rapid -fire succession, James gives picture after picture to help us understand the danger of an out -of-control tongue! A horse obeys because of a bit in its mouth, and a rudder guides a ship. Forests burn because of a small fire. He says the tongue is full of deadly poison and contradiction. Imagine a spring that contains fresh water and salt water,…

Philippines Mission Letter: August 2021

Click/tap for full PDF  health.  There has been an alarming surge in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in our municipality within the past few weeks. Currently, our town has now the highest number of cases in the entire province. Due to this, our local government has implemented more intense COVID-19 protocols and guidelines to limit movement and transportation, regulate the operation of all establishments, and enhance the presence of uniformed personnel to prevent higher numbers of positive COVID-19 cases.…

“Tell them I Said Hi”

Have you ever been on a phone call when you are interrupted by a curious family member? “Who are you talking to?” “Nana.” “Oh! Tell her I said hi!” Or perhaps you know someone who is on a trip visiting a congregation so you ask them to, “Say hi for me” to someone you know. These kind greetings take only a moment but always come from a place of love and affection. They let a person know that they are…


Ever forget something? Sure you have. If it is any consolation, you are not alone. All of us can forget and often do. Some years ago, a researcher from Johns Hopkins University compiled a list of what we forget most often. At the top of the list was names (83%), followed by where something is (60%), words (53%) and faces (42%. Any of those a problem for you? It is obvious that the researcher forgot to check on spiritual forgetfulness.…

Philippines Mission Letter: July 2021

Click/tap for full PDF May the loving and caring Father in heaven continue to provide your needs and keep you safe.  The COVID-19 cases are surging again in the different parts of our country, especially in the thickly populated areas. Strict border control has been reimposed in different provinces including ours to prevent the spread of the virus, particularly the highly transmissible Delta variant, even as the province remains under modified general community quarantine (MGCQ), which is the lowest restriction…

A Worthy Mission

If Luke, guided by inspiration, included three separate looks at what happened to Paul on the road to Damascus and his subsequent obedience to Christ, you would be inclined to believe it was important. From the actual events (Acts 9) to Paul ’s retelling of them before hostile Jews (Acts 22) to the apostle explaining it again to King Agrippa (Acts 26), we see what many consider the most dramatic conversion recorded in the New Testament. The fierce persecutor became…

Philippines Mission Letter: June 2021

Click/tap for full PDF  Dear Brethren,  May the goodness and blessings of God continue to abound in you.  The Lord continues to open up opportunities for us in meeting and teaching new people who are willing and interested in knowing God’s way of eternal salvation for man. The members of our congregation are continuously doing their part for the growth of the Lord’s family by showing and sharing with their loved ones, relatives, neighbors, and friends their life experiences in…

Diligence and Neglect

The apostle Peter, in the early part of his second letter, gives emphasis to the importance of Christians being diligent in the development of spiritual qualities. How diligent did he want them to be? He urges, “…giving all diligence…” (II Pet. 1:5). Later, he adds, “…be even more diligent…” (II Pet. 1:12). Since Peter wanted these saints to be diligent, he also knew the need for him to be certain he did not neglect his duty to call their attention…

“You Are of Your Father… ”

In the heart -felt book of John, Jesus has several confrontations with the Jews of that day to prove to them His deity. Of note, the discussion in John 8 is particularly passionate. The hardness of heart of these people broke the Savior ’s heart as they claimed allegiance to God, to the things of God, and to God ’s faithful servant, Abraham. However, Jesus cuts to the core of their hypocrisy and powerfully says in 8:44, “You are of…

Why I Love Camp

Lord willing, we’ll be on our way Sunday morning to this year’s session of Camp Bandina. I love going to a Christian camp. I don’t love it because the counselors there are perfect, but because they’re servants of the Perfect One. As counselors, we all bring our faults and flaws right along with us, but we get a chance to serve God by teaching His perfect love and His perfect ways to the campers. I don’t love it because it’s…

Philippines Mission Letter: May 2021

Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren,  May the Lord bless you always and your loved ones with good health, peace, and joy.  We continue to have guests on the Lord’s day as our brethren encourage their relatives and friends to give what is God’s. We have been studying with some of them already on weekdays. We pray that they will continue to worship with us also. Last month, a brother in Christ had lost his mother. As we mourned and…