Posts by Graeber Road Church of Christ (Page 7)
Think Souls
The inner part of the person – the soul – is such an important element to who we are. God made us as body, soul, and spirit (1 Thes. 5:23). Yet the concept of the soul is so broad in God’s word that we could spend a year just studying its various nuances! Even in the book of Acts, the word takes on a variety of meanings. It is a synonym for person (Acts 27:37), while other times it refers…
7 Reasons We Will Be in Worship on Christmas Day
1. Worship is Commanded by the Almighty. Our Lord does not make worship something to be chosen by His followers. Hebrews 10:25 makes it clear that we are not to willfully forsake being together for worship. This is not a suggestion, and it does not have caveats for special holidays. 2. God is More Important than any Holiday. If I am going to say that “God is first in my life,” then there is no holiday that can take His…
The Trinity of Christian Character
Three times in God ’s word do we see the three words “faith, hope, and love – these three words form a tri -unity that centers our character development around God. Faith, Hope, & Love Initiates Our Response to the Gospel For three weeks in Thessalonica, Paul and Silas preached from the Old Testament scriptures reasoning that the Christ must suffer and rise from the dead. Some Jews, and many devout Greeks would be persuaded during this time. When wicked…
Philippines Mission Letter: November 2022
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May the Lord’s love, blessings, and protection be upon you and your loved ones always. We continue to be grateful for the opportunity to teach moral values using the Word of God on a weekly basis to our municipal employees through the moral recovery program of our national government. We taught at the Assessor’s office for the past several months, and they were thankful for our time and for all the good lessons…
Philippines Mission Letter: October 2022
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May the goodness and blessings of the Lord continue to abound in you and your family. The Lord continues to use us for the implementation of the moral recovery program using the Scriptures at the different departments in our town. Lord willing, we will be assigned to other offices this November. Our partnership with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as volunteers to conduct Family Development Sessions (FDS) to the parents…
What if Your Candidate Loses?
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. – Proverbs 14:34 Something I have heard many election seasons since the mid 90 ’s If “we” don ’t win this upcoming election, the nation will be destroyed. Read carefully again Proverbs 14:34. We live in a nation that is not above reproach. Yet, for many, this nation is still recognized as the greatest nation with the most freedom to worship God than any other nation on earth.…
“Contending for the Faith”
The book of Jude is addressed to Christians who needed to wake up to fight against some ungodly people with ungodly ideas among them (Jude 3 -4, 12, 16, 19). The key statement of Jude exhorts these endangered Christians to, “Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). “Contenders” are interested in building up other Christians (20) “…building yourselves up on your most holy faith…” Those who would contend earnestly for the…
Philippines Mission Letter: September 2022
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May our merciful Father in heaven bless you always with His love, His grace, and His peace. We are so thankful to the Lord for opening more opportunities for us to share His Word with more people in our town. The Lord is accomplishing this through our brethren and local government. Our brothers and sisters in Christ continue to give us prospects to teach God’s love, His justice, and His offer of eternal…
How to be a Go-SHEN Christian
Goshen is the name of a few places in scripture. The most well -known is the land the Israelites dwelt in during their time in Egypt (Gen. 47:1 -6). Several blessings came by being in the land of Goshen. Consider three: Protection First, Goshen became an initial line of defense in keeping the Israelites separated from Egypt ’s pagan culture (Gen. 46:33). To the Egyptian, shepherds were an abomination. Ironically it was not the Israelites whose culture was an abomination,…
Philippines Mission Letter: August 2022
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May our Lord place His loving arms around you, shower you with blessings and keep you protected every day. We keep on sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with those who are seeking God in their lives. We hope and pray that more souls will be reached out this month. The Lord has been blessing our moral recovery engagement at the municipal hall every week. Using the Scriptures in teaching moral…
What Happens to Our Bodies When We Die?
Have you ever been to the zoo and seen all the animals like the tigers, lions, alligators, rhinos, bears, and many others? Man’s body is no greater than the body of a beast; they are both mortal. The only difference between them and us is we have an immortal soul which lives for eternity. We have to choose how we live for the destination of our soul going to Heaven or Hell for eternity. Solomon teaches on this very subject…
Philippines Mission Letter: July 2022
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May the God of hope fill you always with joy, peace, and happiness. Working in the Lord’s kingdom is always satisfying and fulfilling in spite of the many challenges that come with it. Using the courage, strength, and opportunity that the Lord has been giving us, we were able to share again the message of God that give hope of eternal salvation with a number of people last month. In addition, we were…