Posts by Andy Baker (Page 3)
Preparing for Friends and Family Day
Think of an “outsider,” not a member of Christ ’s church, who walks into our assemblies or classes. What if an outsider becomes a guest at Graeber Road? We ’ve prayed, people do show up – God has answered. A powerful thought: God has said, “Yes” to our request for an open door. The question is: are we being good stewards of the blessings he is giving us? We do not want any visitors to slip through the cracks or…
“Dinner Therapy”
So much of Jesus ’s public ministry and so many of His conversations with people happened around the dinner table. In fact, most of Luke (1/5 of this gospel account) has to do with Jesus either going to a meal, sitting down and eating a meal, or getting up and leaving from a meal. Jesus had great opportunity to help when He sat down at the table. Consider now this and see if there is any truth to it: YOUR…
4-Letter Words to Teach Your Children
One man said, “profanity is the language of the ignorant.” For someone who has no other expression than expletives to use when they ’re angry, excited, fearful, sad, or any other emotion, they really show a lack of understanding. Remember when Peter wanted to show his ignorance of Jesus, he began to curse and swear to show that he was not with the Lord (Matt. 26:74). While this is not an article about profanity, we would do well, parents, to…
How You Can Help “Boost” Our Bible School
VBS is almost here (6/27 -6/29)! It is truthfully one of my favorite times of year because there are some really creative and talented minds that really shine in making a great experience for our kids. It is an opportunity to really “think outside the box” and to make a lasting impression on these kids about the spirit and life of Jesus. Even if you are not directly involved in the teaching, decorating, feeding process, or anything else here is…
In the Doing of It
Nothing will motivate us more than becoming better at what we do. As we dedicate ourselves to having Jesus at the center of our thoughts, our actions, and our words, we will begin to be motivated by “Christ being formed in us” (Gal. 4:19). This does not happen by accident but it has EVERYTHING to do with the doing of daily following Jesus. The more we follow, the more we are motivated to follow more closely. The more we follow…
A Picture of Faithful Love
Before Sunday morning Bible class, Their hands in loving grip, Hand in hand through the parking lot, He makes sure her feet don’t slip. He leads her to her Bible class, Where students she will teach, Makes sure she has just what she needs, And grab whatever’s out of reach. After class, he’s at her door, To take her to her seat, They sit in church both hand in hand, Worship together it is sweet. As they…
If We Would Just Communicate…
One of the chief sources of problems and difficulties that we will most regularly deal with in our lives, comes from communication, the lack thereof, or the misunderstanding thereof. Marriages fail because husbands and wives stop communicating. If they do communicate, they do so in the wrong way or they misunderstand each other to the point of assuming and behaving as individuals instead of “one flesh” as God intended (Gen. 2:23-25). Issues with communication can happen anywhere and in any…
COVID Reflections
This week is an anniversary of which we would not like to remember, but that we would always do well to remember. It was this week two years ago that we closed the doors to the building in an effort to “flatten the curve” as our health advisors told us at the time. I am grateful to God for a state government that is not still restricting movement, mandating, or even keeping us locked down as I know many places…
What’s the Focus of Our Compassion Cards?
The Compassion Card program began with the goal to help make contact with folks who have significant life-changes (ie. Death in the family, new baby, new job, surgery, painful diagnoses, etc.) and to bestow the church’s love and care for them—with the purpose to follow up and introduce the recipients to Jesus and His church. Here are a few ways to remind us of what’s important about this program: It begins with compassion. We feel with and for people in…
Profiles of the Kingdom
You learn to appreciate people who do not walk in lock-step with the status quo, but instead make thoughtful and loving stands for what is right. We are noticing the work of black brethren as Black History Month continues, and how men like these have helped shape this country and the church. This profile highlights a dedicated servant both in upholding truth in politics, as well as upholding truth in the pulpit. John DeBerry served as a Democratic member of…
Profiles of the Kingdom
February in the United States is designated as Black History Month in order to honor and observe the roles of Black Americans in the shaping of this country. One such man who is worthy of honor in the difference he made is our brother Marshall Keeble. Marshall Keeble. Brother Keeble was a gospel preacher who lived from 1878 until 1968 and who still speaks in influence, books, and in recorded sermons found online. There are a number of books about…
An Unchanging Principle
We often talk about how different things are now when compared to an earlier time. This is usually done in terms of devices (“Why, we didn’t even know what a cell phone was when we were young!”) or rules (“My mother made me be home from a date by 9:00 P.M.”) or some other comparative matter we feel worth noting. Yes, things change. But, some don ’t. Here is one: trust in God and obedience to His will. Centuries ago,…