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Faith When We’re Hurting
Stress. Pain. Anguish. Grief. The Christian experiences all of these emotions from time to time. How should our faith respond? Psalm 119:73-80 deals with our attitude toward affliction in light of the richness of God’s word. Notice the following: God gives life meaning (v.73) “Your hands have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn Your commandments.” Not only has God created us, but His word enlightens us to our true purpose. Truly, that which honors…
A Reflection on God’s Shepherds
He arrives on Sunday before it is time, Bible in one hand, faithful wife beside. He walks in and smiles for he’s glad to be Among God’s people and their faces to see, For he cares deeply for them and does love them so In Jesus’s Own likeness he watches them grow. Yet think of all that we may never see, Head bowed in prayer and hard callused knees, Many the tears: some of pain, some of joy, They all…
The Gift of God’s Word
For the last 2 years, Graeber Road has had an active presence on the campus of George Jr. High School. Consider the following efforts the Graeber Road congregation has been involved in: pare lunch for all the teachers and staff at the building. 2. In October we attend their “Trunk or Treat” and pass out candy along with Bible bookmarks, information sheets, and evangelism material. 3. In December we give a little something to the teachers before the year ends.…
How Great a Forest a Little Fire Kindles
Fire is an amazing thing. As our kids sing, “it only takes a spark to get a fire going,” it doesn’t take much to turn that spark into a raging blaze. James 3 has much to say about the tongue in a very practical, down-to-earth way. In doing so, James 3:5-6 focuses on the destructive power of words in seeing the tongue in an out-of-control manner. Notice a few thoughts of the “tongues of fire”: Tinder for a fire is…
Let me start off by saying that 20th century classical music is, by and large, “weird.” John Cage, a late 20th century composer, wrote an 8-page organ piece called Organ2/ASLSP. The “ASLSP” means “play it as slow as possible.” Usually this organ piece takes more than an hour to complete (Are you asleep yet?). Yet, in 2009, an organist played the piece for 14 hours and 56 minutes. In 2022, the piece was played for over 16 hours. Not to…
Some 21 times in Romans 16, Paul uses the word “greet” in sending kind regards to many brethren that he knows in Rome. Consider some of the people he greets: Those who risked their lives for Paul – Prisca & Aquila (Rom. 16:3). Various workers in the Lord – Mary (Rom. 16:6), Urbanus (Rom. 16:9), Tryphanaena and Tryphosa, and Persis (Rom. 16:12). Those who suffered with Paul – Andronicus, Junia (Rom. 16:7). Those who are well loved, but mostly unknown…
Jesus’s Most Challenging Questions
One of Jesus’ favorite teaching tools was to ask pointed questions of His listeners. Some of His greatest lessons are still “brought home” simply because He asks us to think deeply about truth. The Lord’s questions can cut quickly to the heart of a matter, and they are surely worthy of our study. Think upon these things: “Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk?’”…
God’s People and Respect of Persons
James 2 is a chapter well-known and respected by Christians because of its discussion of faith and works (cf. 2:14-26). In that section of Scripture, faith that doesn’t express itself in outward action is “no good” and “can’t save” (vs. 14), “dead” (vs. 17), “useless” (vs. 20) and “as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so is faith without works” (vs. 26). There can be no living of a life well pleasing in the sight of God…
A Spiritual Investment Invitation
Consider the great investments you can be a part of in January 28-31! Soul-Investment How is your soul doing so far this year? A great way to feed your hunger for righteousness (Mt. 5:6) and be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18) is to spend time in God’s word together, glorifying Him in study and song. As we learn God’s word together, we are filled to speak God’s word to each other! Does your soul thirst to be before God…
“Small Gifts, Big Impacts”
One lady waited until the last minute to send Christmas cards. She knew she had forty-nine folks on her list. So she rushed into a store and bought a package of fifty cards without really looking at them. Still in a big hurry, she addressed the forty-nine and signed them without reading the message inside. On Christmas Day when things had quieted down somewhat, she happened to come across the one leftover card and finally read the message she had…
The King and His Bible
As God anticipated, the people of Israel would one day ask for a king. God spoke this prophecy by Moses in Deuteronomy 17:18-20. One of the most notable commands, and the one that Moses centers on in this passage, was the responsibility of each king of God’s people to make his own copy of the scriptures. Here is what he was responsible for: He was to write for himself a copy. In the simple act of copying word for word…
Two Quick Reminders to Encourage Faith
The Bible is a real, ancient document. Scrutinized by the world, it has withstood the tests of its most ardent critics. We ought to take very seriously the claim of those writers who wrote God’s words and commands (2 Pet. 1:16-21; 3:14-18; 1 Cor. 14:37). Fact 1 – We have no “autographed” books of the Bible. Instead, we have thousands of copies. The New Testament Greek manuscripts alone number more than 5,800! Imagine having a single man say, “I did…