Article (Page 15)

Solving the Puzzle

It’s a six-sided, enigmatic conundrum of a puzzle. The Rubik’s Cube was invented in 1974 and has been frustrating millions of people throughout the following 46 years. When Erno Rubik created the Rubik’s Cube, he had no idea how to solve it. The creator didn’t understand how to solve the problem that his creation posed. It took Rubik over a month of continually trying before he found the solution. Mathematicians have done the calculations and have concluded that there are…

Pardon Without Penalty?

According to Numbers 13, when the spies returned from their forty days of investigating the land God had promised them, there was a divided opinion presented to the people. It was not a difference involving facts. All twelve spies agreed that the land was good. In fact, it “flowed with milk and honey” (Num. 13:27, 14:8). The difference was in regard to faith. Ten said, “We are not able. . .” (13:31). Two said, “. . .we are well able.…

Winding the Clock

Sitting on the shelf in my office is a beautiful hand-made mantle clock that sat on the mantle of my grandparents’ house for many years. Every time it chimes, it takes me back to the old house in Chandler, Texas. I love this clock (including the accuracy of time, the steady ticking, the hypnotic swings of the pendulum, and the hourly chimes), yet I come in on Monday morning and see a clock that is about “wound down.” So, the…

Honor to God the Spirit

Sometimes, we can be so afraid that we might say something incorrect about the topic of the Holy Spirit that we might not say anything at all! As some disciples said, “we have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit” (Acts 19:2). I’ve heard well-intentioned men pray, “Thank you God for what You and Jesus planned for us…” Or we might hear people saying, “I want to do what pleases God and Jesus.” I am tempted to ask,…

“AI Jesus”

The headline reads, “Engineer’s ‘AI Jesus’ goes on to make terrifying apocalyptic prophecy.” That’ll get someone’s attention. “AI” stands for “artificial intelligence.” While the “artificial” part of the title makes sense, the “intelligence” aspect is silliness. An engineer and quantum researcher wrote an artificially intelligent algorithm which “learned” language by only reading the Bible. From there, the program was tasked with making “prophecies” based on the information it had acquired from “reading” the King James Version of the Bible. The…

Spiritual Growth

Parents are rightly concerned about the physical development of their children. They will keep a close check on the height and weight of growing children. They will encourage them to eat food that will be healthy and will help them to grow stronger. Christians, of all ages, need to be concerned about our spiritual development. There is inspired exhortation for us to grow. In I Peter 2:2, the apostle writes, “…as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word,…
close up of soldier feet with army boots in forest

On Being a Drill Sergeant in Bible Boot Camp

Despite the funny looks I got from some of you (read: a lot of you) for wearing the Army green shirt and camouflage pants most Wednesday nights this summer, let me say this: I had a blast teaching Bible Boot Camp! Here are a few great lessons I appreciated being a drill sergeant in boot camp this summer:  We are blessed with really great kids here. Every one of them improved over the course of the summer in learning about…

“’Faith Over Fear’ or ‘Fear Over Faith’?”

Which of these best describe my life? An honest evaluation is hard to do. I’m sure we all want to be described as someone who lives with “faith over fear,” yet how can I know when fear is trumping my faith or when faith begins to be overshadowed by my fear? Consider these questions:  Do I often think about the physical ramifications of my decisions more than the spiritual ramifications of my decisions? Jesus cautioned that we “do not fear…
Square empty chalk board speech bubbles on colored papers

Christian Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech as Americans means simply that we have the ability to express opinions, criticisms, and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship or legal sanction. It’s built into our governmental charter. Yet, notice that there are still limits to the things we may say as Americans. We cannot threaten to do harm to governmental leaders without repercussions. We cannot slander a person with no consequences. Nor can we expect that we have our freedom of speech in another country…
Good idea concept

Can People Change?

Wayne Jackson, in my opinion, is one of the best students of the Bible the church has produced in our lifetime. His articles, books, and commentaries have blessed numerous lives.  Jackson once wrote an article titled, “Skeptics Who Could Not Dispute The Evidence.” It gave examples of several men who, at one time in life, opposed the word of God and openly challenged the validity of it. But, each man changed his view.  The story of one of those men,…
Man in the image of Christ reaching out his hand

“Our High Priest is Greater!”

Do we truly appreciate the work of Jesus as our High Priest? Reading through Hebrews 5, the writer is comparing the role of the Jewish high priest and then beginning to look closely at the high priestly ministry of Jesus. A keyword for the book of Hebrews is “better” and shows Jesus to be far greater than the Old Testament system of approaching God through an earthly mediator. Consider a few points from Hebrews 5 about the greatness of Jesus,…
Taking decisions for the future

I See You

I recently came across an interesting Zulu word that (as I understand) has no English equivalent. The word is “sawubona” (sah-wu-BOHN-ah). It simply means, “I see you.” Of course, it does not mean on the surface only what we see. It has to do with the value of a person and how much they are worth in the eyes of the speaker. It is, as one man said, a statement of seeing “your hopes, your dreams, where you came from,…