A Spiritual Investment Invitation
Consider the great investments you can be a part of in January 28-31! Soul-Investment How is your soul doing so far this year? A great way to feed your hunger for righteousness (Mt. 5:6) and be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18) is to spend time in God’s word together, glorifying Him in study and song. As we learn God’s word together, we are filled to speak God’s word to each other! Does your soul thirst to be before God…
Philippines Mission Letter: December 2023
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, As we step into this New Year, I hope it greets you with abundant blessings and joy. The men in our congregation experienced a truly uplifting and enriching time during a men’s retreat. This gathering provided us a unique opportunity to strengthen our relationships and deepen our bonds within the Lord’s family. Engaging in team-building exercises, singing, devotional sessions, and learning basic rescue skills made the fellowship both spiritually fulfilling and enjoyable. Similarly,…
“Small Gifts, Big Impacts”
One lady waited until the last minute to send Christmas cards. She knew she had forty-nine folks on her list. So she rushed into a store and bought a package of fifty cards without really looking at them. Still in a big hurry, she addressed the forty-nine and signed them without reading the message inside. On Christmas Day when things had quieted down somewhat, she happened to come across the one leftover card and finally read the message she had…
The King and His Bible
As God anticipated, the people of Israel would one day ask for a king. God spoke this prophecy by Moses in Deuteronomy 17:18-20. One of the most notable commands, and the one that Moses centers on in this passage, was the responsibility of each king of God’s people to make his own copy of the scriptures. Here is what he was responsible for: He was to write for himself a copy. In the simple act of copying word for word…
Philippines Mission Letter: November 2023
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May the Lord continue to bless and guide us as we labor together in His service. With the assistance of dedicated preachers and some members of their congregations, we successfully conducted an evangelism campaign through tract distribution in our community last month. Through these efforts, some individuals were receptive to the Word of God, engaging in brief, godly conversations, while others granted us permission to visit them for potential Bible studies in the…
Two Quick Reminders to Encourage Faith
The Bible is a real, ancient document. Scrutinized by the world, it has withstood the tests of its most ardent critics. We ought to take very seriously the claim of those writers who wrote God’s words and commands (2 Pet. 1:16-21; 3:14-18; 1 Cor. 14:37). Fact 1 – We have no “autographed” books of the Bible. Instead, we have thousands of copies. The New Testament Greek manuscripts alone number more than 5,800! Imagine having a single man say, “I did…
Unfaithfulness Hurts
“Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a bad tooth and a foot out of joint” (Proverbs 25:19). Observations about this guy: 1) He Causes Unexpected and Lasting Pain. One who has ever tried to chew food and discovered the shooting sting associated with a broken tooth knows that it is painfully unexpected. Because the unfaithful Christian may talk a good game and look like they are solid, this person can cause a great deal of…
Our Hope (Part 2)
Our Hope can be defended – “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” – 1st Peter 3:15 Our Hope is found in the gospel – “if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has…
Our Hope (Part 1)
Our Hope is Singular – “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call” – Ephesians 4:4 Our Hope is worth holding on to – “so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.”- Hebrews 6:18 Our Hope is better – “(for the law…
Philippines Mission Letter: October 2023
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly, and may His grace be with you always. Last month, our youth group had an amazing time connecting with young people from neighboring congregations, helping them grow stronger in their faith and build closer friendships with fellow believers. These interactions included meaningful discussions, singing spiritual songs, testing their Bible knowledge, playing games, sharing meals, and more. These gatherings brought our young members closer together and…
Wardrobe Change
Have you ever voyaged into the deep recesses of your closest only to discover clothing that is well past its time? The style is out, they no longer fit, and the holes are no longer justifiable in polite society. We would be embarrassed to be caught wearing some such things we find in there. Some clothes have so much wear and tear that salvaging them even for rags may be questionable! Time for them to go into the trash and…
“This is a Test… Is Action Needed?”
For weeks they were advertising it. For weeks they were warning about it. This past Wednesday, October 4, at 2:20pm all cellular devices, all TVs, and all radios blared a sound similar to an Amber Alert as a test of the Wireless Emergency Alert was conducted. This affected people whether in a busy office, in a sports arena, in a serious meeting, in their cars, in their homes, and in their schools. Virtually anyone anywhere within the sound of a…