Church Blog (Page 20)

Man in the image of Christ reaching out his hand

“Our High Priest is Greater!”

Do we truly appreciate the work of Jesus as our High Priest? Reading through Hebrews 5, the writer is comparing the role of the Jewish high priest and then beginning to look closely at the high priestly ministry of Jesus. A keyword for the book of Hebrews is “better” and shows Jesus to be far greater than the Old Testament system of approaching God through an earthly mediator. Consider a few points from Hebrews 5 about the greatness of Jesus,…

Announcements on Livestream

Dear Graeber Road Family, As with many of you, Graeber Road has made a lot of changes to its normal way of doing things over the past several months. One of those changes is a significant increase in the content that we have on the internet, particularly on YouTube. Many of you have said that the services and classes on YouTube are important so you can participate in the assemblies from home. We want you to know that we appreciate…
Taking decisions for the future

I See You

I recently came across an interesting Zulu word that (as I understand) has no English equivalent. The word is “sawubona” (sah-wu-BOHN-ah). It simply means, “I see you.” Of course, it does not mean on the surface only what we see. It has to do with the value of a person and how much they are worth in the eyes of the speaker. It is, as one man said, a statement of seeing “your hopes, your dreams, where you came from,…

Philippines Mission Letter: June 2020

Click/tap for full PDF  July 04, 2020  Dear Brethren,  The COVID-19 cases are still increasing in our country. Under our present level of quarantine, only those who are 21 to 59 years old are allowed to avail of essential goods and services. Religious services in our area are allowed up to a maximum of 50 percent of the total seating capacity of religious venues. We continue our house worship for those who are unable to go to the church building…
Jet Cabin

Don’t Pull That Lever!

Flying through the air in an ejected, fighter-jet seat wasn’t on the man’s agenda for the day. Employees from his firm thought it would be a great idea to surprise the unnamed, 64-year-old French man with a jet ride. As soon as he realized what was taking place, he started to panic. After being talked into getting into one of the three jets which would be participating in the training exercise, his pulse rate began to accelerate, based on the…
Breathtaking sunset in coniferous forest

Journey’s End

John Gipson, a talented writer and preacher, once wrote about another talented writer. You would not likely know the name, Jozef Korzeniowski. But, you might know the name he took, Joseph Conrad. Conrad is generally considered to be one of the great novelists to write in the English language. A number of Conrad’s stories involved a nautical setting. He seemed to capture the thrill of a sea voyage beginning and ending. The excitement of departure carried great expectation. But, there…
Puzzle pieces with word change

Adaptability, Attitude, and Always Abounding

For some people, when they encounter changes to their environment or routines, it is unsettling, unnerving, and can be a very traumatic experience. For others, when they encounter change, it can be exciting, thrilling, and a roller-coaster ride of new experiences (either good and bad). For all of us, whether we have positive reactions or negative reactions to change, it should be an experience to say, “I trust in God to keep me grounded.” Life changes. Situations change, but God…
Cross spider (Araneus diadematus)

Venomous Spiders

Spiderman is a fictional character.  That seems like a statement which one would read and think to themselves, “Duh.”  Three Bolivian brothers, ages 12, 10, and 8, didn’t quite understand the concept of Spiderman not being real…until recently.  The boys found a black widow spider and decided that, since Peter Parker became Spiderman after being bitten by a spider, they, too, would develop superpowers if they let their spider bite them.  So, each boy prodded the black widow with a…

Philippines Mission Letter: May 2020

Click/tap for full PDF June 4, 2020  Dear Brethren,  May the Lord’s love, peace, and blessings continue to abound in you.  Under the extended general community quarantine, we are still not allowed to meet for church services at the chapel. Our house worship will continue until our government will already allow us to gather at the church building. People under 20 years old and above 59 years old are not allowed to go out unless it is for emergency purposes.…

Philippines Mission Letter: COVID 2020

Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren,  We are hoping and praying that things are well with you there.  Your brethren at Calasiao Town Proper church of Christ appreciate so much your continued love, prayers, concern, and generosity in helping us from the effects of COVID-19 and the enhanced community quarantine.  With the funds you sent along with others (with a total of $1,950), we had been able to repack and distribute relief goods such as rice, corned beef, sardines, century…
group of graduated students back view

A Charge to Our Graduates

This issue of The Reminder is a little different. The inside pages are dedicated to the wonderful achievement of four of our young ladies on the occasion of their high school graduation. We ought not to think that this has happened easily for them, in that, so many of the rites of being seniors have passed them by and have been canceled due to the virus. One last normal school day, one last year at camp, one last goodbye to…
Couple whispering in the ear

“As we listen . . . “

In Luke 8:18 Jesus warned, “Therefore take heed how you hear.” He had said earlier, “And hearing they may not understand” (vs. 10). The words “hear” and “heard” are also found in vs. 12, 13, 14, and 15. Later, Jesus would add, “My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it” (vs. 21).  Seems that hearing is important, especially if God’s will is being communicated. A disposition to hear, to hear carefully, to…