The Clockwork Phone Call
Every morning I ’m in the office, between 8:05am and 8:13am, the phone rings from the same “1 -800” number. I picked up the phone for about the first month it rang and realized it was either a spam -caller, a fax -machine ’s wrong number (do people still use those?), or someone who just wants to mess with me (bravo for persistence in the joke if that ’s the case). Now when it rings, I simply lift the receiver…
On Perseverance & Giving Up
Everyone gets tired from time to time. Often tiredness leads to exhaustion. When exhaustion is full and there ’s still work to be done, it can lead to burnout. With burnout comes an increased distance from job or family responsibilities, negativity, cynicism, and an abiding feeling of needful change. The thought is that if I move, or change jobs, or drastically change immediate things in my life, I’ll be renewed and no longer feel like giving up. Solomon would say,…
Philippines Mission Letter: December 2021
Click to download the letter. the Lord make this New Year full of love, hope, courage, positivity, and service for each and every one of us! “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). As we continue to work together in reaching out to the lost in our area, the Lord also continues to bless our labor in leading…
Some Considerations from Bible Bowl
In early November, we had the blessing of going down to Corpus Christi to cheer our Bible Bowl participants on as they competed in a friendly tournament of Bible knowledge and study skills. The time there was special, and all of our kids did a great job! Let me share with you some key takeaways upon reflection of the event: God ’s Word is Inexhaustible. The section of scripture for the 2021 Bible Bowl was essentially the second half of…
Redeeming the Time
Near the end of each year, or the beginning of a new year, it is not uncommon for newspapers, magazines, or television news programs to focus on highlights, events, and people who made news during the previous twelve months. Such reports may also include predictions about what will happen in the future. As you would expect, some of the predictions are way off track. Here is an example from one, some years ago. It was predicted that, by this time,…
The Lord’s Supper: Save it from COVID-19
One of the most disruptive things to me about COVID -19 has been the Lord ’s Supper. For more than forty years, I’ve had a structured meditation for the Lord ’s Supper. There are reflections while I’m eating the bread and another series of thoughts for the fruit of the vine. During the year, we’ve visited other churches that use the individual packages with the bread and fruit of the vine. In many of those, the one presiding provided very…
Philippines Mission Letter: November 2021
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, It is our hope and prayer that things are going well with you all. Our loved ones, relatives, prospects, and every one of us here at Calasiao Town Proper church of Christ are so grateful and thankful for the continued love, kindness, and generosity of our brethren who sent funds to help support us from the flooding in our town in the latter part of October this year. With the funds given, we…
Foundations for Deuteronomy (Part 2)
To put your finger on the pulse of the Old Testament, look to Deuteronomy! Last month we noticed two foundations in understanding this great book. The Theological Foundation emphasizes God and His writer, Moses. The Geographic Foundation sets the stage for a nation on the border of the promised land. Consider two more foundations in brief. Historic Foundation – “It is eleven days’ journey from Horeb …In the fortieth year…” (Deut. 1:2 -3). Notice the time difference between verse 2…
You are of Your Father…
In the heart -felt book of John, Jesus has several confrontations with the Jews to prove to them His deity (John 8). The hardness of heart of these people broke the Savior ’s heart as they claimed allegiance to God, to the things of God, and to God ’s faithful servant, Abraham. However, Jesus cuts to the core of their hypocrisy and powerfully says in 8:44, “You are of your father, the devil….” What things betrayed their “true father ’…
Foundations of Deuteronomy Part 1
The book of Deuteronomy is often referred to as the “heartbeat” of the Old Testament. If you can wrap your mind around Deuteronomy, the message of the historical books and the prophets will come alive! The opening verses of Deuteronomy help orient the book in the direction it ought to be read. This month we will consider two foundations for Deuteronomy. 1. Theological Foundation – “These are the words that Moses spoke” (Deut. 1:1a). This was no mere retelling of…
Philippines Mission Letter: October 2021
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May the Lord continue to watch over you and keep you all safe. I am so glad to let you know that things are getting better here. The number of COVID-19 cases in our country are declining as many people are now getting vaccinated. Our national government is loosening restrictions in many areas in our country. The No Sunday Movement policy in our town was already lifted the third week of October. We…
Philippines Mission Letter: Typhoon Update
Dear Brethren, The typhoon “Maring” that passed through our country had brought a lot of rain. Due to heavy and continuous rains for two days in our town, many barangays have been covered with water. Our own area is submerged in knee-deep floodwaters. In other locations, where most of our brethren are, the floodwaters rise up from 5 feet to 7 feet high. We are hoping and praying that this flooding will subside tomorrow and that we will already have…