Posts by Graeber Road Church of Christ (Page 6)
Six Reminders From Our Seminar
Our Encouragement – God’s faithful people have experienced and endured persecution for a long time. Remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:10-12: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”…
Philippines Mission Letter: March 2023
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May God keep you safe and be with you always. We are so glad and thankful to God for allowing us to visit and connect with our brothers and sisters last month, especially those who are going through difficult times. We understand the challenges and struggles that life can bring, and we want them to know that they are not alone. It is our joy to be able to share the love and…
All God’s Creatures
When God created the fish and birds He blessed them (Genesis 1:21-22). When God made the livestock, creeping things, and beasts of the earth, He saw that it was good (Genesis 1:24-25). God has always cared about all creatures, great and small. Noah is even commanded to bring animals into the ark to survive God’s wrath (Genesis 6). God not only cares for His creation, He uses His creatures to teach us about Him! Consider these few examples: God used…
A Case for a Paper Bible
First things first: I am not anti-electronic Bible. In fact, I know people who basically must use one if they are going to be able to read the text. A lot of older people with failing eyesight have been blessed by being able to blow up the font size on a tablet to very large sizes so they can continue to read God’s Word. I use an electronic Bible from time-totime. So this is not an article meant to say…
What is Growing in Your Garden?
Change takes time. Peter’s life displays a man who developed spiritually over years with ups and downs. Yet time was not the only factor in Peter’s development. Left to time without proper careand nourishment, stagnation comes, and life that once was present will die out. Peter grew because his lifetime was spent cultivating his relationship with God. Foundational to that goal is seeking to understand who God has revealed Himself to be through His word. Peter affirms his belief in…
Philippines Mission Letter: January 2023
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, May the Lord’s love, protection, and grace always keep each of you safe and blessed. We keep striving to make a difference in our community and bring hope and love to this challenging world by continuously reaching out to people and letting them know there’s a welcoming place to come and grow in their understanding of Christianity. God’s Word is transformational and will bring hope, clarity, and joy to those who open their…
It’s Time to Change
Some things never change! But without the passage of time, no things can change. Who we currently are is different than who we can become (Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 4:16-17). But this kind of growth is NOT a quick process. Peter’s life exemplifies this. Peter, after being with the Lord for about 3 years, still did not understand the kingdom of God that was “at hand” (Mt. 10:7). He was ready and willing to kill when the mob came to…
Know the Enemy
In order to be successful in battle, it is imperative that one knows his enemy. He must know the way the enemy thinks and acts. The more one understands the maneuvers of his foe the better equipped he will be to counter them. The adversary of every child of God is Satan. The Bible speaks of his wiles or schemes (Eph. 6:11). He sets snares or traps for men (1 Tim. 3:6). He hurls fiery darts with great fury and…
The Darkest Day of Prophecy
Many of the prophecies concerning Christ are encouraging and uplifting such as His names (Isaiah 7:15; 9:6), His reign (2 Samuel 7), and His work (Psalm 110:4). Yet the night and early morning that Jesus was arrested, tried, and murdered, was a day that God looked on with painful anticipation (Matthew. 26:39-42; cf. Isaiah 53; Psalm 22; Hebrews 10:5-7). On this particular day, at least twenty-two prophecies concerning Christ are painful, lonely, and full of sorrow. Even on the darkest…
Burning Hearts
Our attitude toward God’s word affects every facet of our lives. Those who see the Bible as dense and confusing will likely be inconsistent in our living. Those who think the Bible is stale and dry will inevitably seek meaning from “more pleasurable” endeavors. Those who view God’s word as living and life-changing are the very ones whose lives ARE changed by the gospel. Which are you? The word of God is powerful (Rom 1:16), and hearts are changed when…
Convictions that Taste Like Orange Juice
Until I was nineteen years of age, I lived in Patrick County, Virginia. Moonshine liquor was a part of the business landscape. Involvement in this product had terrible consequences for several family members. I could see the horrible effects and never allowed it to touch my lips. When I accepted a quality control managers position at a Taipei, Taiwan plant, the managers and engineers did not know I did not drink alcohol. Shortly after arriving in Taiwan, there was a…
Philippines Mission Letter: December 2022
Click to download the letter. Dear Brethren, Happy New Year! May we all be blessed with many more opportunities to love and be loved. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2). We praise and thank God for His unending love, incomparable mercy, and abundant blessings despite all the struggles and difficulties we all faced in 2022. Indeed, God is good all the time. As He…