Philippines Mission Letter: October 2023

Philippines Mission Letter: October 2023

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Dear Brethren,

May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly, and may His grace be with you always.

Last month, our youth group had an amazing time connecting with young people from neighboring congregations, helping them grow stronger in their faith and build closer friendships with fellow believers. These interactions included meaningful discussions, singing spiritual songs, testing their Bible knowledge, playing games, sharing meals, and more. These gatherings brought our young members closer together and helped them become more deeply rooted in their faith. Furthermore, we have diligently persisted in our efforts to reach out to all our members, regardless of their level of activity. Our dedicated visits extended not only to the active and engaged members who faithfully attend our services and events but also to those who may have become less involved over time. We understand that life’s demands and challenges can sometimes lead individuals to step back from their religious commitments, and it is during such moments of transition that our visits become even more significant.

In a moment of great joy and significance, we celebrated the baptism of four precious souls last month: Lolita Barongan, Florita Junio, Gina Velasco, and Rosalia Barongan. These individuals made the decision to be baptized for the forgiveness of their sins, and we feel privileged to be part of their spiritual journey. It is worth noting that our fellow congregation members, who are friends and relatives of these four, played a pivotal role in introducing them to the teachings of the Lord. Furthermore, we are dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth of our new members through follow-up Bible studies. This essential step ensures that they are firmly rooted in their faith and can confidently walk in the path of the Lord. We are also continuing our outreach efforts, reaching out to more individuals with the message of the Gospel, thanks to the tireless efforts of our dedicated brethren. We are committed to extending our reach to touch the lives of those in search of spiritual guidance and a right relationship with the Lord.

We want to express our heartfelt appreciation and profound gratitude for your continued support. Your love, prayers, and financial contributions have been instrumental in our ability to spread the message of the Lord and strengthen our congregation.

Finally, I kindly request that you include my daughter, Eunice Ruth, in your thoughts and prayers. She has been facing an illness that has prevented her from attending school for nearly a month due to persistent health issues. Your prayers for her quick recovery and improved health would mean a lot to our family as we go through this tough period.

Roberto Indong

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