Posts by Graeber Road Church of Christ (Page 14)

Child pretend to be superhero

A Christian’s Power

Marvel and DC have provided quite a resurgence in superhero movies in the last few years. Superheroes are abundant in Hollywood because people feel powerless to withstand injustice or contribute to necessary change. Do you feel powerless as a Christian to influence an immoral and agnostic culture, or to produce a change in yourself? A Christian has the power to overcome. You may not be recognized as a superhero by others, but Christians have great power given to them. A Christian…
Row of empty chairs at reception of an interior office building

The Waiting Room

A few weeks ago I needed to go to the hospital to have a CT scan. I went to the front desk and checked in, then took a seat in the waiting area. There were maybe 10-15 people also waiting for their turn. As I sat there, I began to notice the people waiting. There were people from at least 4 or 5 different countries. Some of the people were elderly, some middle-aged, some were young, even a baby in…