Posts by Graeber Road Church of Christ (Page 14)

Philippines Mission Letter: February 2020

Dear Brethren,  We give God all the glory and honor for the baptism of four precious souls added by the Lord to our congregation last month. Their names are Felicidad Javier, Annaliza Gutierrez, Abijah Noshka Ricario, and Juvilyn Javier. Felicidad and Anna are the mother-in-law and sister-in-law of Clemente Lazaga, a brother in Christ who works with me. We have been teaching them for several years. Whenever they had to go to the doctor or hospital and need a ride,…
Happy diverse friends

Good Advice for Choosing Friends

Friends are a wonderful blessing from God – a gift given to help us become better people (Prov. 27:17). Yet they are only a blessing when we have chosen the right ones. “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed” (Prov. 13:20). “Evil companionships corrupt good morals” (1 Cor. 15:33). Therefore, we should try to surround ourselves with companions who are wise enough “to turn [you] away from the snares of…
Opened holy bible book banner

Who May Abide

 David asked two questions in Psalm 15:1. “Lord, who may abide in your tabernacle? Who may dwell in your holy hill?” Important questions, to be sure. And, the way they are answered says a lot about those who are answering.  You could think about them in their original setting, David’s day, but they ought to be considered in a broader way in order to get the full benefit of them. The words “abide” and “dwell” suggest an atmosphere of fellowship…

Philippines Mission Letter: January 2020

 Dear Brethren,  With the Lord’s guidance and blessings, we continue to plant and water the seed of the kingdom into the hearts of the people. We keep on studying with the friends, neighbors, relatives, and acquaintances of our brethren whom they have referred to us for Bible studies. Almost all of these prospects were raised in Catholicism. We are glad and thankful that they are open minded to hear and study the Scriptures with us. As we invite and encourage…
Heart in the hand

Keep Your Heart

The word “heart” appears more than 800 times in the Bible. A few of the references actually relate to the physical heart. I Sam. 25:37 tells us Nabal’s “…heart died within him…” But, the majority of references in the Bible deal with the spiritual heart. Prov. 4:23 admonishes us, “Keep your heart with all diligence.” The spiritual heart is what motivates us to do what we do.  Think for a few moments about keeping your heart. It has to be…
alarm clock

Sounding the Alarm (Clock)

Last week in this bulletin we read about an alarm clock. Remember? It was a personal writing by our minister, Andy Baker. The article concerned his oldest daughter, just nine years old. The account should make each member of Graeber Road church of Christ stop and consider the use of their own alarm clock. We need to take this very minute, bow our heads, and tell God that we are going to get our alarm clocks and set them to…

Philippines Mission Letter: December 2019

Dear Brethren,  Greeting you all a Blessed and Prosperous New Year! “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2).  We always praise and lift up the name of the Lord for all His goodness and mercy which continues to motivate us to tell it also to others. As we keep on going in reaching out to people, the Lord continues to lead us to those who…
White stairs

Wisdom Comes in Levels

When I was in high school I was having trouble with a math class and I could not work the math problems. Our math teacher told all of us that if we had problems, his front door would be open until midnight 5 days a week, and he would be glad to help us. Now I was fearful of failing the course so I diligently went to his house seeking instruction as to how to work those math problems. With…
Running mature couple congratulate and happy to finish their morning workout

Finish What You Started

I’ve heard people say, “The hardest part is getting started.” I can see how that could be true in some cases.  Sometimes you have to overcome the inertia of thinking about something and just get on with the doing.  However, I think there’s also some truth to the idea that it can be easier to start something than to finish it. Every time we would drive to Dallas, we’d watch for an old house on the way that was started…

Philippines Mission Letter: November 2019

Dear Brethren,  It is always good and a blessing to be able to see and work with other preachers from different congregations in the vineyard of the Lord. As we gathered together with a harmonious purpose of glorifying God, we were able to help a new congregation in reaching out to the people in their barangay. Many contacts for Bible study had been listed for follow up, and the existence of the new congregation was further heard in the community.…
Cards with question marks

An Important Question

We cannot be certain who wrote Psalm 116. It would be easy enough to attribute it to David. But, we can be certain that whoever wrote the psalm asked himself a very important question. Here it is: “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?” (Ps. 116:12)  The writer, like the rest of us, had the ability to look at his life and appreciate what he knew had been given to him. Unlike some, who…
Yellow smileys

A Smile or a Frown

There are times when we look at someone and smile. There are times when we look at someone and frown. Circumstances that we may face cause us to smile or to frown. Can you recall a situation where you did one or the other at either a person or a situation?  The apostle Peter at one time, because of his denial of Jesus had an opportunity to frown. Not only to frown, in fact, but to weep bitter tears. Even…