Posts by Graeber Road Church of Christ (Page 11)
The writer of Hebrews urged readers to ”. . . have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear” (Heb. 12:28). The Greek word for reverence signifies, first of all, caution, then godly fear. One English dictionary tells us it is “profound respect mingled with fear and affection.” In order to serve God acceptably, we must do so with reverence. Therefore, we must understand how reverence is produced and maintained. It is an internal trait.…
Philippines Mission Letter: April 2021
Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren, Last month our young people were able to enjoy a whole day youth fellowship. We invited some of the youth from our neighboring congregation and our young people also brought some of their friends and relatives to join and participate in the said event. We had two speakers who spoke on the subject of social media. The youth had really enjoyed the fellowship and all the activities. They grouped themselves into three and each…
Spiritual Growth
Spiritual growth is not like physical growth. We know that a child does not have to plan how to grow or work at growing. No parent is ever asked, “What is your secret for making your child need longer jeans and bigger shoes?” While physical growth is a natural process, spiritual growth is not. The writer of Hebrews chided those who first read the letter, in chapter 5, by telling them they should have grown enough to be teachers, yet…
Philippines Mission Letter: March 2021
Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren, The Lord continues to bless and guide us in carrying out the great commission. We appreciate so much the continued help and willingness of our brethren to go with us to evangelize those that they have been able to schedule for a Bible study. They even accompany us in our follow up lessons with the new converts. Both the adults and young people in our congregation are giving us prospects to teach the Lord’s…
The dictionary defines the word “mistake” this way: “a misunderstanding of the meaning or implication of something; a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment or inadequate knowledge.” Most of us would admit that we know plenty about mistakes, without having to consult a dictionary, because of personal experience. We know that mistakes can be of various kinds. Ever call someone by the wrong name? Ever make a mistake in your checkbook? Ever pick up something you thought wasn’t…
Philippines Mission Letter: February 2021
Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren, We continue to implore God in a humble prayer to keep you and your loved ones in your well-being and to bless you and all that you do for His glory. The Lord continues to bless us with opportunities to share the saving power of the Gospel with those who are diligently seeking Him in their lives and His gift of salvation. With the help and participation of the brethren in reaching out to…
Psalm 103
Psalm 103, attributed to David, is a wonderful psalm of thanksgiving. It would help us greatly if we read it frequently and remembered its lessons constantly. We immediately notice that expression “Bless the Lord,” repeated five times within the twenty-two verses. We are not really surprised to see these words come from David, a man who was full of praise for His God. But, we need to see more from the psalm. We see a choice. David tells himself to…
Philippines Mission Letter: January 2021
Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren, We thank the Lord always for keeping our family protected from the virus and other serious illnesses. Our brethren here are also doing well. It is our hope and prayer that you and your loved ones are doing the same. The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our town is increasing. Last month, two of our neighbors were infected with the virus and were taken to the isolation center. Our compound was lockdown…
James wrote to people who were having “trials” in their lives. The word James used could be translated “temptations.” Readers were to understand that these trials caused “the testing of faith” (James 1:2). The result, if successfully dealt with, would produce patience. Something good can come from something that seems bad. Patience, a needed virtue, is developed through facing trials. Today, just as in the time when James wrote, trials will test God’s people. Those who think living the Christian…
Philippines Mission Letter: December 2020
Click/tap for full PDF We praise the Lord for all His love, protection, goodness, mercy, and blessings in spite of all the unwanted circumstances that we went through in 2020. With God’s guidance and compassion for the lost, we were able to reach out and teach more people last year despite the threats of the pandemic. Most of those prospects that we taught were converted and now serving and worshipping the Lord with us. We appreciate so much the help…
An Important Question
The question asked in Psalm 116:12, “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?”, could only come from the lips of humans. Humans alone are endowed with the ability to be concerned about gratitude and its obligations Two thoughts might be considered in regard to that question. They are telling when we relate them to ourselves. GOD’S BENEFITS Do we acknowledge God’s “benefits” toward us? Some spend more time complaining about what they do not…
Philippines Mission Letter: November 2020
Click/tap for full PDF Dear Brethren, May the gracious and merciful Father in heaven continue to watch over you and your loved ones. Our whole province of Pangasinan is placed under modified general community quarantine for the rest of the year. In our town, those who are 15 to 65 years old are allowed to go out, provided, that the minimum public health standards such as the wearing of masks and the maintenance of social distancing protocols are observed. Public…