Posts from December 2019

Old book close-up

Do You Understand What You’re Reading?

Have you ever looked at a passage of scripture – read it and looked away and immediately thought, “what did I just read??!!!” We’ve all been there. What happens is that frustration and irritation set in and the Bible sits for longer periods of time unopened and unlearned. Yet, we have the responsibility to make a diligent studied effort (II Tim. 2:15). What are some practical things that can help?  Repetition of Verse: One man said, “What the mind repeats…

Merry Christmyths

Any time our culture talks about Jesus, God’s people have an open door to enrich the conversation about Jesus. As you know, during this holiday season, much will be said about Jesus that is inaccurate. These inaccuracies are not just spoken by the world, but by Christians as well. God’s own children, the “people of the Book,” even struggle to discern between fact and fiction concerning this pivotal, historical event.  May I challenge you to a short quiz? The purpose…
Running mature couple congratulate and happy to finish their morning workout

Finish What You Started

I’ve heard people say, “The hardest part is getting started.” I can see how that could be true in some cases.  Sometimes you have to overcome the inertia of thinking about something and just get on with the doing.  However, I think there’s also some truth to the idea that it can be easier to start something than to finish it. Every time we would drive to Dallas, we’d watch for an old house on the way that was started…

Philippines Mission Letter: November 2019

Dear Brethren,  It is always good and a blessing to be able to see and work with other preachers from different congregations in the vineyard of the Lord. As we gathered together with a harmonious purpose of glorifying God, we were able to help a new congregation in reaching out to the people in their barangay. Many contacts for Bible study had been listed for follow up, and the existence of the new congregation was further heard in the community.…