Church Blog (Page 14)

Hard Coaching = Love

You might have seen this picture floating around in social media streams. The picture is of a poster (probably in a locker room) that is appropriate to share here and draw some applications: Hard Coaching = Love When a coach takes it easy on you, they ’re setting you up for a hard life ahead. Don ’t take the coach for granted that ’s constantly holding you accountable. They might seem annoying to you in the moment, until one day…

Who Do You Like More: Barnabas or Ananias & Sapphira?

My kids are into asking me who I like more in movies and literature (ex. Anakin Skywalker or Obi -Wan Kenobi; Harry or Hagrid, etc.). We ask questions like this and compare names occasionally, but usually it doesn’t involve a comparison of one who has a good reputation with someone who doesn’t. It ’s kind of a no – brainer in that situation. With the names given in the title above, one name conjures good feelings and a striking reputation…

Rudders, Reigns, & Raging Fires

James 3 is the “classic” passage when anyone wants to discuss how Christians ought to speak. In rapid -fire succession, James gives picture after picture to help us understand the danger of an out -of-control tongue! A horse obeys because of a bit in its mouth, and a rudder guides a ship. Forests burn because of a small fire. He says the tongue is full of deadly poison and contradiction. Imagine a spring that contains fresh water and salt water,…

Spiritual Maturity

In the letter Paul wrote to the Colossians, he stated his goal was to “. . . present every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (1:28). How serious was he about that? The next verse tells us. He wrote “I also labor” and used a word meaning “toil resulting in weariness, laborious toil.” But, he also added, “striving,” a Greek term that gives us our word “agonize. ” The next chapter begins with him expressing deep concern for them (2:1). The…

I Heard My Savior Say: Follow Me

“I came to Jesus as I was, weary, forlorn and sad,” Knowing His promise I ’d heard before: That He would make me glad! “Teach me Your laws and Your morals and such – I’d like to know them all, We ’ll conquer sin and Satan and death with Your banner, flying tall!” My child,” said He, “if you truly wish to come after Me, Denial of self is the very first key: Give up malice and greed and envy…

Remember Two Things

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus enumerated several “twos” to remember. In these, man always has a choice. In the outcome, the destiny is either eternal reward or eternal punishment: (6:19 -21) There are 2 Treasures : Some have lived their life by this principle and their confidence is found completely in their bank account. Heaven is the place where treasures should be accumulating (Mark 8:36). “What ’s my spiritual bank balance?” (6:22 -23) There are 2 Focal Points…

Philippines Mission Letter: August 2021

Click/tap for full PDF  health.  There has been an alarming surge in the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in our municipality within the past few weeks. Currently, our town has now the highest number of cases in the entire province. Due to this, our local government has implemented more intense COVID-19 protocols and guidelines to limit movement and transportation, regulate the operation of all establishments, and enhance the presence of uniformed personnel to prevent higher numbers of positive COVID-19 cases.…

“Tell them I Said Hi”

Have you ever been on a phone call when you are interrupted by a curious family member? “Who are you talking to?” “Nana.” “Oh! Tell her I said hi!” Or perhaps you know someone who is on a trip visiting a congregation so you ask them to, “Say hi for me” to someone you know. These kind greetings take only a moment but always come from a place of love and affection. They let a person know that they are…


Ever forget something? Sure you have. If it is any consolation, you are not alone. All of us can forget and often do. Some years ago, a researcher from Johns Hopkins University compiled a list of what we forget most often. At the top of the list was names (83%), followed by where something is (60%), words (53%) and faces (42%. Any of those a problem for you? It is obvious that the researcher forgot to check on spiritual forgetfulness.…

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

It is amazing how quickly things change! Even in the congregation here, the past two years have seen a number of changes that few could have anticipated. Sometimes we are tempted to think that things will just keep going like always and when notable milestones are achieved, they leave us wondering where the time went! Such is the milestone to which I bring your attention. Marjorie Vickers and Betty Hathorn have faithfully taught together for fifteen years. There is an…

God’s Plan for an Eternal Kingdom

God ’s plan through the Messiah was to establish a “kingdom that would never be destroyed” (Dan. 2:44). Here are some hopes, promises, and implications of the Kingdom prophecies in the Old Testament and how they relate to Christians today: The Legitimacy of the Kingdom Stands or Falls with the Legitimacy of Jesus (Luke 24:44 -48). Peter preached the first gospel sermon and quoted the Kingdom prophecy of Joel 2:28 -32. He ties it to the death, burial, and resurrection…

“My Preciousss…”

Gollum/Smeagol is one of my favorite literary characters in Tolkien ’s Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Gollum talks to himself obsessively over the One Ring —even after he loses it in the deep caverns of the Misty Mountains. He constantly seeks his “precious” ring which Baggins finds. While Peter writes some two -thousand years before Tolkien, he talks about the spiritual things that Christians ought to see as precious. In Peter ’s letters, he writes as we journey…