Posts by Andy Baker (Page 8)

The Day Jesus Cleaned House

Why did Jesus have to cleanse the temple? Why was He not content to just let things go on business as usual? In John 2, Jesus “cleans house” literally because those Jews had made the temple a “house of merchandise” (John 2:16). There were things, behaviors, and attitudes that didn’t belong in a house dedicated to the Lord. 1 Corinthians talks about the temple of the Lord being both the individual human body and the collective body of the church…
Newton's cradle crumpled paper bulb bright idea

Thoughts About Momentum

Momentum is interesting. If it’s there, it’s somewhat hard to stop, but if it’s not there, it’s somewhat hard to get going. We have had several wonderful, momentum building things this year that have been designed to gain momentum or to “get the ball rolling.” Of late and of note, we had an excellent success with Friends and Family Day as well as the neighborhood door-knocking event (including the putting together of packets). Now how do we keep the momentum…