Posts from October 2024

God’s Special Servants

God has always had His special servants. In the case of entering the land of Palestine, the Levites were given forty-eight cities (Jos. 21:3,41). God put these Levites out among the people so that they could serve the nation as a whole. They assisted some of the time at the tabernacle, but in the main, they served as assistants or servants of the entire nation. We are not surprised to see God manifesting His great concern for His entire nation…

“Everything that He had made… was very good.” – Genesis 1:31

We are thankful to be back home with you today, but also very appreciative of the time to be away. This trip was a combination of some final details related to my mother’s death, the chance to be spiritually fed and renewed at Harding’s Lectureship, and the chance to spend a few days catching our breath and recharging emotionally and physically after quite the world-wind of life-events over the last few months. We were blessed to be able to be…

An Important Question

We cannot be certain who wrote Psalm 116. It would be easy enough to attribute it to David. But, we can be certain that whoever wrote the psalm asked himself a very important question. Here it is: “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?” (Ps. 116:12) The writer, like the rest of us, had the ability to look at his life and appreciate what he knew had been given to him. Unlike some, who…