“This is a Test… Is Action Needed?”

“This is a Test… Is Action Needed?”

For weeks they were advertising it. For weeks they were warning about it. This past Wednesday, October 4, at 2:20pm all cellular devices, all TVs, and all radios blared a sound similar to an Amber Alert as a test of the Wireless Emergency Alert was conducted. This affected people whether in a busy office, in a sports arena, in a serious meeting, in their cars, in their homes, and in their schools. Virtually anyone anywhere within the sound of a TV, radio, or cell phone, all heard the exact same thing at the exact same time and were interrupted from their activity to the exact same event. Consider truths of this:

The event was predetermined. The creator knew that this event was necessary to provide an opportunity for people to make preparations for the future…that the safety of the “now” will not go on indefinitely.

The event was universal. The creator knew that in a vast world like ours, everyone, everywhere needed to realize they were to be ready for it.

The event was unstoppable. The creator knew this preappointed time and date was for the purpose of showing his power to affect the lives of people who could not stop this event.

The event was warned about. The creator warned for people to get ready for this event and to not be caught unaware by it.

Some were caught unaware. Through neglect, ignorance, or apathy, some experienced this event not knowing or realizing that it would affect them.

Some were safe. A section of the population did not fear and were not bothered by the heralding of this event nor of the event itself.

Some were terrified. Some were harboring secrets. Some were not prepared. Some had hidden things they did not want discovered, yet when the event occurred, terror was upon them because their secrets were openly revealed and they had not prepared themselves.

Some were glad. A section of the population, as well as the creator himself were glad that this event occurred just as it was supposed to. It provided the security and the peace that they were looking for.

But, “this is a test…no action is needed.” Every truth that the Emergency Alert Test listed above is also true of the Judgment Day. “This is a test and ACTION IS NEEDED” (Acts 2:38; 17:30-31; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 2 Corinthians 5:10-11; Revelation 20:11-15)! Are you ready for that Day to come?


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