Profiles of the Kingdom

Profiles of the Kingdom

February in the United States is designated as Black History Month in order to honor and observe the roles of Black Americans in the shaping of this country. One such man who is worthy of honor in the difference he made is our brother Marshall Keeble.

Marshall Keeble. Brother Keeble was a gospel preacher who lived from 1878 until 1968 and who still speaks in influence, books, and in recorded sermons found online. There are a number of books about brother Keeble. One called “His Hand and Heart” by Willie Cato is available for checkout from our church library 656 -A; I also have a copy if you want to borrow).

He was known for his preaching of a universal gospel which bridged the gap of a racial divide before the time of the American Civil Rights Movement. He was also known for his wit, his ability to turn a phrase, and also his devotion to the gospel of Christ. We can be thankful for great soldiers of the cross like brother Keeble. Here are a few of his “quoteworthy” sayings from brother Cato ’s book:

  • “When mean things happen to you, don ’t get angry, just pray for him, then go off and live so your prayers will be answered. Live so your friends won ’t believe it, and your enemies can ’t prove it” (Cato 25).
  • “The Law of Moses is like a shadow of a ham hanging in the smokehouse. You don ’t go after the shadow, you go after the ham. You ought not to go after the Law – go after the real thing, The Gospel” (Cato 34)
  • “You don ’t have to be smart to obey the Gospel – just honest” (Cato 36).
  • A man is not saved and then baptized. A woman doesn ’t wash clothes because they are already clean. I ’ve seen a lot of smart women, but not that smart. She washes the clothes because they ’re dirty. Man is baptized because he ’s dirty and needs to be cleaned” (Cato 61)


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