The Word of God

The Word of God

Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

God’s word gives us a clear view of the life to which God calls us. God wants His people to prosper and has promised true/ eternal blessings if we will abide in Him, and by His commandments. We do not need to wander down dark alleys of disillusionment and disappointment in which so many in our world grope. The Light of the World, Jesus Christ, brought escape from the darkness and the opportunity to “…walk in the light, as He is in the light…” (1 John 1:7).

Sadly, the light for our path and lamp for our feet is greatly ignored. We have ready access to the printed word of God, yet it is often left to collect dust on a shelf. There are many who claim Christianity, who have developed philosophies of life and religion that have no scriptural foundation. How ironic that many religious groups do not encourage their participants to devote themselves to a knowledge of God’s word.

In Joshua 1:8, the Lord said to Joshua:

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

In 2 Kings 22 & 23 and 2 Chronicles 33 & 34, we read about a discovery by Hilkiah the high priest during the reign of Josiah the king. The discovery was the Book of the Law. God’s own people through covenant had distanced themselves so greatly from His laws, that His word had become covered up by the paraphernalia of their lives and fallen through the cracks and ruin of the temple. The people of God had turned to idolatry and had lost all connection to the truth of God.

God’s word is light to our path, for it reveals the Light of the world who brings salvation to us! God’s word gives us the Display of faithfulness in the example of Jesus Christ as He walked this earth and remained faithful to God in all things. God’s word also gives us the Description of how we can live faithfully before God as we live this life.

Is God’s word lighting your path? Are you striving to follow the example of Jesus? Is faithfully serving God, according to His direction, the diligent effort of your life?

-John Helbig


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