We live in a world obsessed with labels/ name brands. Young and old alike have the notion that if their shirts, shoes, pants; yes, even their underwear, do not have a certain label, then they are not worth wearing.

We live in a world where people are measured and evaluated based on such external things, rather than on the basis of personal identity and integrity. The older we get, the more these pursuits grow as we buy the “right” car or house. Sadly, the reality of all this is that these things are vanity – pure and simple. Happiness is not achieved by the possessions of life. Contentment is not arrived at by owning “the best.” True joy in living does not come from a higher score in the materialistic accounting of life. Vain pursuits may gain us temporary applause from a blind, misdirected society; but it will not benefit us eternally. In fact, it can blind us from the eternal. Paul writes in Galatians 6:14:

But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

There is a Designer name that I wear every day. I would hate to think of having to go through the day without being able to wear it. It gives me my worth – it gives me my identity – in gives me something for which to boast! Have I just contradicted everything I just said? No – for you see, the Designer name I wear every day is the name of Christ! I am a Christian. I wear the name of The Creator/ Designer of all. I wear this name because Jesus purchased my pardon by cleansing my sins through the shedding of His blood. I received the forgiveness from God through Repentance and Immersion into the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus through baptism. My worth/ my reason for boasting reside only in Him – in Jesus Christ!

The right/ privilege to wear that name brings joy, contentment and purpose to my life! None of the external, materialistic factors of life can change these. Not even persecution because of this name. Peter writes in 1 Peter 4:16:

If anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name.

We wear the Designer’s Name – Christian! Praise God that you bear that name!

-John Helbig


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