A place for you.

Great news! Our Sunday worship times are worship at 10am and 6pm. We have a Wednesday Bible Class for all ages at 7:00pm.

We would love to have you visit with us!

For more information, call 281-341-7776 or email graeber.rd@gmail.com.


Bible Classes for All Ages

Every Wednesday night has been set aside for mid-week Bible study and a devotional for the whole church and guests. You can expect the following schedule: Bible classes are available for all ages. This time is used to study God’s Word, and to encourage each other in our daily walk with God. Note: See our Bible Class information for available classes and subjects (40 minutes). As a group, we then meet in the auditorium for a devotional, which consists of…

I’m New Here

We welcome you to visit this Sunday…

Church Blog

The Obscentiy Override

The electronic sign in front of our building is a marvelous asset to our ministries. It takes advantage of our location on a heavily traveled street to make people more aware of our church. It promotes our programs and has prompted people to visit our worship. It can be conveniently uploaded from our office computer, so we no longer have to walk out and tediously slide plastic letters in racks. And it can present our messages with all sorts of…

“And God, Could you…”

Events unfolding this past week reminded me of something that happened when our children were very young. Our four-year old son was sitting down to eat his breakfast. As we bowed to pray to God, he asked God to help his cough get better and to help his sister get well and not have fever anymore. Then it happened! What we have all thought but perhaps were hesitant to pray. At the very least, what we have all wanted to…

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time [redeeming the time], because the days are evil. (ESV) Ephesians 5:15-16

There has been a great amount of press lately on the effort being made to identify wasteful and corrupt spending of taxpayer dollars. Billions – trillions of dollars will be identified as having been unwisely or corruptly used. When our government continually operates with trillions of dollars of debt, I am hopeful that some long-lasting good will come out of the audits taking place. Since most of us live in the real world, we know what it means to Budget!…

He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Have you ever wished that you had your own neon sign from God where He would flash a direct answer to decision with which you were wrestling? Or a direct message of assurance when you were feeling overwhelmed with frustration or fear! We have been challenging ourselves from the book of Joshua as we focus on our theme for the year, “Go Forward: Be Strong and of Good Courage.” I would love to tell you that I have reminded you…