On COVID, Camp, and Certainties

On COVID, Camp, and Certainties

Despite several staff members and campers getting COVID at Peach Valley, I am glad that camp happened and that I was able to attend. It was a blessing my heart badly needed! The risk of illness was not greater than the blessing God provides by His people coming together. Here are some things I gleaned from the week that may help you as you live by faith:

“Blessed, blessed, blessed are we!” We learned a new song at camp by a member of the church that takes us singing through the beatitudes (Read Matt. 5:1 -12). The blessing we (all) sing about has nothing to do with a vaccine, a political party, a climate or lack thereof, a social status, a country, an economy, or a skin color. All the things our world is caught up on (right now) do not provide the “blessed life” of a life lived in knowledge of and obedience to God. The blessings we have, no man can take away (Jer. 9:23 -24).

There is no joy like the joy of loving service. Make me a servant, Lord, make me like you. The unofficial theme song of Peach Valley AIM Camp points to the attitude of campers, servant leaders, and staff by pointing to Jesus (Phil. 2:1 -11). Church, the more we demonstrate loving service and instruct each other in how to render loving service, the more we are helping ensure the solid base of what Christ intended for His people to do (John 13:33 – 34). We are never more like Jesus than in giving humble, loving service to others (John 13:13 -15). No one can ever take that away from us (Gal. 5:13).

The great inconveniences and irritations of our life can lead us to the greatest blessings. We don ’t ever want to be a people who look at situations and imagine or point out the worst. That violates a number of Christian principles (Phi. 2:14; 1 Cor. 13:4 -7). There are too many people in our world who do that to begin with. On Thursday of Peach Valley week, we had already been made aware of two who were COVID positive (and made changes appropriately). As well, that afternoon, it rained torrentially for about 3 hours. Yet, through all of that, there came blessings none of us could have imagined. With any difficulty or challenge, we can whine and gripe about the unfair, or we can look and see the blessing that our God is still “Master over the storm” (Mark 4:37 -41). No one and no situation can ever take that away (Rom. 8:32 -39)!


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